Saturday, March 06, 2010

a parallel world of fahrenheit 451?

i'm pretty sure the new world of books on your computer is not for me. i wonder what guy montag would think?

i like holding a book and letting my weighty bookmark swing while i read. i like pencil-correcting grammatical errors i find as i read along. i like having a book with me if i'd stuck in traffic or at a long red light. i like sitting in my rocking chair and rocking as i read.

what? kindle lets you do those last two? hmmm, i haven't seen the thing in person so i can't say how i'd react to it. they'd have to have all the titles i'd want before i'd be interested. and how are you charged for the compooks (computer books)? and how do you get them? and do they have half-price stores for used compooks that you can get cheaply?

the present system works for me.

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