Sunday, September 19, 2010


ahhhhh, facebook's revenge.

i have disliked facebook since the beginning, really, and once i found out they didn't care one single bit about privacy, i really disliked it. everytime i would read about changes being made and what a person should do to try to keep their stuff private, i would make those changes. the last changes i made must have pissed them off seeing as how there's no account for me on facebook anymore. at least not one i can access which is the same thing.

it just underscores how i feel about facebook -- immature, inconsiderate, greedy, disrespectful, and undoubtedly republican.


  1. Kristo6:55 PM

    I can still see your page, so maybe it's a password thing.

  2. Kristo6:56 PM

    But yes, I don't do anything on Facebook these days. I think pretty much all I've used it for in the past year is to look at photos that people put up. It's nice to have just one place to go and do that, buuuuut...

  3. well, interestingly enough, awhile after i posted the info, i got an e-mail from facebook saying welcome back. ha! i had been unsuccesful in trying to get back earlier, so ....

    regardless, they are nefarious.
