Monday, October 18, 2010

clever old guy

the husband has a friend who's dying. he's lived a full life -- teacher and priest, among other things. he's never married but has been active in whatever community he's lived in and is well-read and well-spoken.

the husband enjoys speaking with this man and, since he's 84 or so, enjoys listening to him talk about various things. he has a wry sense of humor.

he hadn't been feeling well and was determined to keep out of hospitals, so he hadn't been crazy about seeing the doctor. he finally had the husband take him and found out his kidneys are failing. since the dr. knew he wasn't having any part of any type of medical care, he advised him to go home and reach out to hospice to get the process started.

he's been pretty comfortable with hospice, but a little curious about the questions they asked him when they first came out. he figured they were trying to find out if he was gay. they asked about him never having been married and finally he said, "I know I'm not gay. I know I'm straight, but I've never had a woman interested in me. So I guess I'm kinda in between straight and gay. I'm stray." ...wry sense of humor.

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