Sunday, December 12, 2010

computer weather

cloud computing. it's been a buzz-word for several years and now it's being adopted by the federal government. gsa is going forward with google and usda is going forward with microsoft. i know the gov't is trying to cut costs, but doesn't this seem like a right-hand/left-hand type of scenario? maybe they're trying to stay away from a monopoly situation, and maybe it doesn't matter, but big problems usually start out small.

but i guess the thing that really bothers me is this statement"But are there any security risks to moving to the cloud? One observer, noting that cloud platforms can host data servers on foreign soil, raised the specter of data being stored on third-party servers based outside the United States."

gsa doesn't seem concerned though:  "But Coleman told Nextgov that 'Information security is about much more than where your server sits,' because, regardless of location, all of the security controls in the contract are still monitored."

oh, of course. my fears are unreasonable. the security controls will be monitored. *sigh* will they never learn?

gsa has been, and continues to be, at the top of my list. of dunderheads.

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