Saturday, February 12, 2011

what's that red mark?

i forgot to mention the drama that MOS had a couple of months ago. he has to fly to north carolina every-once-in-a-while for his job and after he came home from one trip, he awoke one morning with bites all over.

with all the hype about bedbugs, super-defense and pro-action took place immediately. they called a number of exterminators before deciding on someone who sounded like he knew what to do, then proceeded to clear out possessions and clothing. i drove down and took care of the kids while son and dau-in-law worked to get things under control, then she took the kids and evacuated to her parents so the exterminator could come in the next day.

when i got home, i took off my clothes in the garage and stuffed them into the trash -- jeans, shirt, shoes, socks, coat, everything. the husband vacuumed the car, then we figured we'd done what we could and left the rest to nature.

as it turned out, the exterminator couldn't find anything at all to confirm the worst and eventually MOS decided it was a false alarm. the husband thought maybe our son had gotten  into a nest of spiders somehow, and that the bites were from them. all i can say is, thankfully it wasn't bedbugs. that is strictly a nightmare scenario!!

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