Saturday, April 09, 2011

what are they thinking....

speaking of the budget, here are a couple of quotes:

"House Republicans intend to pass a 2012 budget in the coming week that calls for sweeping changes in the federal health programs for the elderly and needy families, and even deeper cuts in domestic programs to gain control over soaring deficits."


"Unless we act soon, government spending on health and retirement programs will crowd out spending on everything else, including national security. It will literally take every cent of every federal tax dollar just to pay for these programs."

does anyone in congress ever consider cutting back the military and bringing troops home, rather than cutting domestic programs? i'm a little tired of supporting programs overseas when there are so many problems here. to say nothing of the illegal immigrant stuff. to say nothing of the sweet perks the members of congress have voted themselves which are held apart from any cut-back.

let's take a look at those kinds of things to reduce our tax burden instead of taking the knife to health and retirement. honestly, the fox thinks everything will be fine if he just kills all the chickens.

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