Monday, May 30, 2011

deliver this where?

Spaceport America, New Mexico. ever been there? ever heard of it? it's a place they're building from the ground up as the facility to launch ordinary (paying) people into space. richard branson is committed to the project, but everyone's wondering if the state's new republican governor will support it like the previous democrat did. the project has run into problems, of course, and i hope that's not how things will always work with this operation. someone needs to continue forward with a space effort and my hat's off to these intrepid visionaries.

i'm off!


there's a company in new zealand who has developed a jetpack which can carry a person aloft. i'm excited about this since it was something all us young kids thought was really cool when we'd read/see/hear about it in sci-fi stories. more power to creative minds!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

was it halloween?

did you see the new 'Area 51' theory? apparently the russians did it. that's a curious thought and believeable to me. what's funny is this quote: "In a novel twist, Clifford Clift of the Mutual UFO Network told the Santa Fe New Mexican that the linkage to German aerospace technology was too tenuous to be believed." ha. haha. hahahahahaha...... (rofl)

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

take cover!

if you aren't familiar with tornadoes and the damage they can do, take a look at these pictures. i was impressed with #13 -- it just mowed everything down. the rest of them are pretty disheartening. we have been blessed to not experience a tornado.

Sunday, May 22, 2011


if you like looking at pictures of the night sky, go here.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

haha, haha ... huh?

here's an interesting website if you want to keep in touch with what the younger generation thinks. i got a kick out of a lot of the comics.

okay, okay, there was, uhh, one i didn't get.

and this website is very cute. i may have to bookmark it.

and this one will take some looking into. i particularly liked #363.

twirly, twirly

the husband is absolutely not a fan of beards or mustaches. there are a lot of beards around which i think are unimpressive, but sometimes i see one which looks good.

mustaches can be right (my dad, mr. poirot) or they can be dumb.

this slide presentation shows mustaches and beards which ... well, you'll have to look and see what you think of them. for me, some of them are right. and some of them .....

Monday, May 16, 2011

what price health?

i have felt stressed lately. not happy with things at work, and very not happy with losing my hard drive and everything which went with it. there have been other things -- i started using a treadmill at work and was really enjoying it until i realized it was making my body (the lymphedema) swell up, i was enjoying playing some games until it started affecting my computer, i haven't been happy with my bed for quite awhile, i get frustrated listening to the husband talk about the unfair things at his work.
it reminded me that before i was diagnosed with cancer i had experienced three or four major adverse life events. the stress i've felt in the last 10-12 months seems to be similar to those previous feelings. you just never know when it comes to your health, but i'm not looking forward to another round of chemo.

and i could retreive the info on my dead hard drive but it would cost between $2,000 and $10,000. the husband scoffs at the idea of paying that money. but i have to wonder .... if it relieved some of my stress, maybe lessening the possibility of a new cancerous situation, wouldn't it be worth it?

Sunday, May 15, 2011

i want one!

if you were going to get some land and put a house on it, what better than to put one of these? i've looked at different types of modular houses and usually they're very expensive. and, yes, usually more expansive than these tiny homes, but gees, character-on-arrival!
i think i'll take three!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

not very convenient

i have come back from the dead. actually, it was my hard drive that died. and it did not come back.

for those of you who have never experienced a dead hard drive, you cannot appreciate my angst this past month. i lost more than 120 passwords, more than 800 book titles, and more than 1600 music titles. to say nothing of my short stories, e-mail addresses, recipes, pictures, pretty much all of my life for the past 6 or 7 years.

so now i start the painful recontruction of said life. arrggghh..... i am probably going to be fussy for awhile. baby me.