Saturday, May 14, 2011

not very convenient

i have come back from the dead. actually, it was my hard drive that died. and it did not come back.

for those of you who have never experienced a dead hard drive, you cannot appreciate my angst this past month. i lost more than 120 passwords, more than 800 book titles, and more than 1600 music titles. to say nothing of my short stories, e-mail addresses, recipes, pictures, pretty much all of my life for the past 6 or 7 years.

so now i start the painful recontruction of said life. arrggghh..... i am probably going to be fussy for awhile. baby me.


  1. linda9:02 PM

    Welcome back--I've missed you.

  2. awwww, what a nice thing to say and a nice thing to hear! thank you!
