Monday, June 27, 2011

be a boy scout!

I don't think i've ever seen an emergency plan quite like this one. i went to to see what they had to say about the fire. they were reminding everyone of the 3-step process to be ready for emergencies:
1. ready -- clean brush from around your home, get your supplies together in one place, plan your escape route.
2. set -- pack your vehicle with your emergency items, i.e., the six Ps: people, personal computers, pets, pills, papers, and pictures.
3. go -- leave early and follow your plan.

hmmm ... personal computers. nope, i don't recall seeing those in action plans before. by papers i assume they mean passports, birth certificates, social security cards, etc, and by pictures they mean your possessions so you can make claims to the insurance companies. but personal computers? i must be really out of touch. i mean, yes, absolutely, i'd take mine. i guess i'm just surprised it's one of the top six things. like i said, out of touch.

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