Sunday, June 05, 2011

little ones

the husband and i just watched babies. i wanted to see it when it first came out, but it just didn't happen. that's actually probably a good thing though -- i laughed uproariously when hattie's dad put her on the slide and she rode her little car-thing down the slide and on away down the park until she upended into a sandpit. i don't know why i thought that was so funny. but anyone at the theatre would have given me really dirty looks and maybe called the cops thinking i was a child abuser.

that little episode aside, gosh! the husband and i are amazed that anyone in mongolia or namibia survives. or that their family jewels do, at the very least. what living conditions they have!! it wasn't unusual for the little boy in mongolia to wander among the cows, pants-less. and the kids in namibia were forever sitting in the dirt, pants-less. and the flies!

i'm just very very glad i had my kids where i did and that we have lived the way we have. blessed are we!

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