Tuesday, June 07, 2011

oh good grief

i think it's curious that the new-and-improved versions of ms updates are crap. i've got this ms office suite 2010 and it's got that new-fangled 'ribbon' on it rather than the old-fashioned toolbar. horrible. it's for mutton-headed people. you have to click all over the place to find what you need,and it's a time-waster, especially if the old way suited you just fine. i figure these new things are for whiners who want everything handed to them, but it really burns me up that it throws the rest of us to the wolves. 'we're just making it easier and more attractive to you' -- no you're not.

i don't know how far back any of you remember, but the computer we had back in 1995 had an excellent assortment of fonts. nowadays it's mostly crap. i mean, who in the universe needs calibri (which is the default for god's sake), batang, dotum, gungsuh, iskoola pota, leelawadee, nsimsun, shruti, or traditional arabic? get that shit off my computer and give me decent fonts i can use and play with. what good does it do to have a bunch of foreign-sounding fonts that look a lot alike in their milquetoast way?

just more of the business people thinking they know what's best for us, and that makes for a very unimaginative nation of people. not good. not good at all.


  1. Kristo2:04 PM

    Luckily, the internet provides. See e.g. http://www.fontspace.com/popular/fonts

    Also: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows-vista/Install-or-uninstall-fonts

  2. thanks sweetie -- i'll check it out! both of it!
