Saturday, July 30, 2011

they always quit making the ones you like

well that sucks. i have a pair of shoes (the ebb tide slide) i wear when it rains -- they're the Mion brand -- but apparently the company is now defunct (i wonder what the story is). a website i was looking at had 5 stars on all the reviews except one, and i love them (because they're widely functional), so what happened? obviously they were popular. crap -- isn't this always the way!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

pulling back the shades

there are people who have scars, and people who don't. this website shows a series of pictures of young women who have had breast cancer. some of the pictures are interesting, some are strange. i think at least one of them showed reconstructed breasts with formed nipples and tattooed areolas. one of the pictures looked a lot like my own scars.

it was good for me to see the pictures because i've always felt like i was the only one who did not have reconstruction or implants. i feel like my decision not to was medically sound, but i've always missed my former look. not that i was bountious, but at least i was comfortably female. i'm still female, but i'm not sure i'll ever be comfortable with the changed me. and yes, it's been 19 years.

see me? see me?

this is hiLARious! you have to watch this puppy playing dead.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Monday, July 25, 2011

there's always a monster

wow! those killings in norway .... what an unbelieveably sad thing. most of them were young people who had their whole lives ahead of them.

and what a monster breivik is. from what little i've read, i've concluded he must be a spoiled, insecure, egocentric, deranged creep. he wanted to get people's attention and warn them about islam. i guess i haven't found the part where it explains how killing a bunch of norwegians helps his cause.

but did you see the most he can be sentenced for is 21 years?! appalling! and yes i read that they can extend it every five years by five years, but good grief. the whole thing just makes you shake your head and wonder 'what in the world'.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

insanely twisted

are you one of those who likes to play games? i loved zelda but never really got into mario, etc. probably because the others were too hard. i mean really, who likes to die, over and over?!

here's a clip of one of the newer games. i probably wouldn't get very far with it, so meh, but i looooove the clip and the music!!! the visuals remind you of tim burton, but it's michel gagne. and the music -- dimmu borgir. never heard of him, but surely we'll hear more!

of course, watching that led to this which will probably be great for pre-teens. i got a kick out of its 'future western' sound.

i know EXACTLY where this came from

so i'm driving through this beautiful wooded area and my mom says, "i bought a restaurant."  "WHAT?" "it was a nice place and only $35,000." i go into the kitchen which is adjacent to a large room which has fold-up tables and fold-up chairs with many windows and sunshine streaming in.

the L-shaped kitchen is a mess, with dishes everywhere (clean as well as dirty), a grill and stove somewhere, two small refrigerators along one wall. mom says she bought it yesterday and i'm thinking there's a lot to do and didn't the people even WASH the dishes before they sold it so i start washing them while the others are standing and talking. then mom finishes frying three eggs, two large and one small, and sprinkles them with some strands of green/white stuff and tells me to take them to the people who are waiting.

i go into the dining room and it's filled with people. i have no idea who gets the eggs, so i wander over to a table of three and ask them if they ordered eggs. they smile and say yes, so i lay down the plates. as i start back to the kitchen, i notice there are several other tables of three people. oh crap! but everyone is talking and no one seems concerned except for one guy sitting by himself. i go over and ask if he's been helped and he says no, but he'd like an egg.

so i go back to the kitchen, which is heaped with dirty dishes again, and look for the grill which has disappeared. i have to clean off a surface to find the grill, then open a frig to look for eggs. there's no eggs in there, just a whole bunch of different kinds of cheeses i've never heard of. finally i spot a large object which looks like an egg covered in a number of layers of brown mud. i pick it up, turn around to the grill, crack the shell and an egg comes out but it proceeds to go from plenty of egg to almost no egg, which i'm desperately trying to fry before it disappears completely. it doesn't take long for it to be done and i open the frig again looking for the green and white 'sprinkles'. i can't find them anywhere. i close the frig and ask mom where they are. she says i'll have to find them myself. i say can't you help me figure all this out? and she says nobody told me anything, you just have to figure it out yourself.

so i head for the dining room with this ridiculously-small egg with sprinkles and just outside the kitchen door is the man i'm headed for. he smiles and says he's run out of time and has to go and i turn back and grab half of a kolache and a napkin and say you need to eat something and as i'm handing it to him, he says thanks and takes a piece of cinnamon toast off the plate in my other hand, saying he'll take that too. my benevolence is suddenly affronted by his nerve, but he walks out and i think well maybe he'll be back sometime and actually pay for a meal.

i go back in the kitchen and try to organize things, but everytime i get a space cleaned off and start on another, it fills up again. i head over to the sink but i can't find it. finally i have to lift up a couple of counter-covers and try to start washing dishes. someone says they'd like to use the bathroom but they don't know where it is. i ask my mom and she says it's through the door and around the corner. i go through the dining room, through the door into a messy bedroom and around a corner into the bathroom which has a couple of kids taking a bubble bath. there are toys everywhere and i'm surprised the public has to use this bathroom.

the dream goes on with old friends of my mom stopping by to chat and finally i decide to just take a break. i don't see how i can keep helping her with this place when i have a life of my own, but if i don't help her she won't be able to get it done. as i walk down the street, i finally have a look at the town. her restaurant is on a little side-street which joins the main drag which is only about a block long. it's jam-packed with businesses and restaurants. i walk to the end and can see that a company is excavating a huge mountain with large pieces of equipment and rock-blasting going on and desecration of the earth, etc.

i turn back down the street and notice new construction. aha! that's why those people wanted to sell the restaurant -- after the new place got built, their business was going to die. that's exactly what's going to happen to my mom's business and what then? does she just close her doors? what about paying taxes on the place? so much to worry about in this bustling tiny town in the middle of a wooded nowhere with big business bearing down.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

summer fun

so ... you like taking pictures? or, rather, posing for pictures? leisure diving provides a whole new experience.


our young friend sent us this lovely, uplifting video. love the shots, love the music. wished i'd been able to widen view, turn camera, descend, etc. -- alas, but ... joy!

Monday, July 18, 2011

a good deed, indeed

don't you just love the stories where a wild animal is in need of help, and people actually help them? this story is about the whale who was all tangled up in fishing net. good video, too.

Sunday, July 17, 2011


it seems like all of a sudden, doctors here in the northwest are worried about people having enough vitamin d. the husband and i both have to take supplements. yes, it's cloudy here most of the year but no one suggested we have that checked until recently. it seems strange, but then there's been speculation that mozart died of vitamin d deficiency. you not only can die from lack of vitamin d, it increases your risk of infections and a whole host of health troubles.

we're thinking about moving.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

just like nebraska

we never hear thunder around here. and you'd think, with all the rain we get, we'd have thunder. but we really only hear thunder about once a year. maybe twice.

so just now, when i'm taking clothes out of the dryer, i hear thunder. memories from the past. anyhow, i stop by the bedroom door and the husband (who's in bed already) says, 'hunh.'

i say, 'thunder!'

he says, 'good thing we're not'n kansas.'

i think, 'huh?!' then i realize he'd said, 'good think we're not camping.'

mental grins. and yes to both.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

it was fun

a month ago i took 2 weeks off from work. i don't remember taking 2 weeks together before, but i really needed to do it. the first week i spent recovering from the stress at work and when the second week rolled around i was ready for my 2 weeks. ha!

at any rate, the daugher-in-law, the grandkids, and i headed over to orcas island for a 2-day get-away. we took the ferry over, stayed in a 2-bedroom cabin on the water (which afforded gorgeous views), and visited little shops where we made excellent purchases.

it was sooooooo much fun to spend time with her and the grandkids, and i'd love to make it a regular practice. i'm not sure how often we could get away, but i really want to do it!

my grandkids are so cute, smart, adorable, clever, adept and all those other adjectives that make people want to puke. they just happen to be true with MY grandkids!

takes me back

i recently moved my rocking chair from the library into the living room. i will move it back later, but for now i am totally enjoying smelling my roses while i read. i also enjoy hearing the trains go by (the husband's bane).

i've never paid much attention to flowers, but these roses (which we bought on a whim) are small but packed with odiferous value! they are what roses used to be and while i'm reading, their beauty wafts in through the open window. heaven!

Friday, July 08, 2011

no writing?

you don't have to learn how to write in indiana anymore. that's amazing. at my headquarters office there is a department which sets out rules for us to follow for correct grammar, how to write a memo, what form of address to use for who, yet there's a state which no longer needs to teach writing skills?

i'm pretty much stumped by this decision. it's not as if we walk around with keyboards on our arms. and even if we do in the future, that situation isn't here yet. one more nail in the coffin for this country, as far as i'm concerned.

sure i think keyboard skills are important. but i also think writing is important. there are any number of scenarios in which a person would be without a keyboard and might need to communicate or remember something.

indiana is crazy-thinking, but then our schools have been messed up for a number of decades. sheesh!

hand me that washcloth

ahem. excuse me but have you washed your belly button today? it seems that tiny little area of our bodies, which we mostly ignore, can harbor a wide variety of bacteria. i thought the article was pretty funny when one guy had some bacteria which had only been found in the ocean. curious!

Thursday, July 07, 2011

what time is it?

Nature is amazing but it seems to have gotten more-so recently. all those pictures of the arizona dust cloud which devoured phoenix -- whoa, nellie!  check out these three videos if you're curious.
Dust Storm Cometh. And eateth. And smothereth.

no dessert, thanks

americans are a lot more overweight today than there were in 1995. the state with the highest obesity rate is mississippi and the lowest is colorado.

blah blah blah and then on down the article is this statement:  "Some groups say such behavioral initiatives are not enough, arguing that food manufacturers and restaurant chains need limits on how they market to children."

oh good grief. where did this start? this thing of making everyone else responsible for your decisions? i hate it. if people get overweight how can that be the fault of a restaurant or manufacturer? get real. people can leave some of their food on the plate, or take it home in a doggy bag, or just quit eating out if there's too much temptation.

letting/making/having other people be responsible for us undermines our integrity. enough already!

wear protective gear

i've always heard that kudzu was a bad plant, but hogweed is a terrorist. if you come upon it, immediately head the other way and make sure your loved ones are with you. the plant's sap can cause third-degree burns and if it gets in your eyes, it can blind you.  ick!

Sunday, July 03, 2011

will the judge toss it out

awwww, poor little convicted killer has his itty bitty feelings hurt? the word 'inmate' is causing him mental anguish?

he's suing n.y. state for $50 mil. because the term has bothered him for a long time. awww, poor guy.

and he's eligible for parole in two years. could it be that he's looking for a nest egg? nah, surely not this poor, defenseless, downtrodden, pitiful soul.

let us pray.