Monday, November 28, 2011

to read ... perchance to laugh ...

do you like to read? to read funny stuff? to read funny sci-fi/fantasy or mysteries?

i have really, really gotten a kick out of janet evanovich's series about stephanie plum. MYS and MOS like the stuff that terry pratchett writes. and, seriously, who wouldn't?

well, here comes someone else that i'm checking out. i just signed up for the library to tell me when the first three of the thursday next series by jasper fforde is available. the series sounds like fun. (see number 8, just ahead of one of my favorite tv series -- inspector poirot.)

see the bad guys win

be careful what you eat -- it may be moldy. see this article about food companies who take food which really should be thrown away, and simply trim it up or repackage it and put it out there for purchase. it's called reconditioning.

but the thing which is really worse, to me, is the last paragraph: "The case ended five years later when ABC was ordered to pay damages to the chain because the producers did not make their intentions known, they misrepresented themselves, and they trespassed on company property."

i am so sick of that kind of response. the criminal does something bad, someone investigates or defends himself, and that poor poor misbegotten criminal gets paid lots of money.

this country is messed up.

vroom, vroom ...

this technology, on the other hand, is interesting.

it's in the toilet

oh good grief. men and their games.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

paper, rock, scissors

it amazes me that we EVER do business with the bad guys (will we never learn?) and in the end it may bring us down.

i mean, they simply do not see things the way we do (neither china nor the middle east) so we need to quit trying to deal with them. 'but they have things we want'. yeah, and that's a big part of the problem, isn't it.

regardless, who was the idiot who decided we should be friends with china? oh wait ... the business community was a strong driving force. uh, huh ... greed is good for us, right?

poor australia -- we now are putting marines on their lands. and they don't want us there, but aren't they being short-sighted if they think that the world over there (china, the middle east, indonesia, and australia/new zealand) can get along peacefully. oh just hell. poor all of us.

but, but, they have a right to know. (sheesh)

hmmm, okay. so now some scientists have created a flu virus which is deadlier than anthrax, and could wipe humans completely off the earth. and they're arguing as to whether or not to tell everyone how they did it.

honestly. whether it's the 'bad guys' or the 'good guys', there's just no saving us from ourselves.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Thursday, November 24, 2011

how do you do that?

wow -- i  love this gal's drawings! in my next life, i want that talent!

bad people are out there

online shopping:

1. change your passwords regularly.
2. don't use ordinary passwords.
3. place orders on a secure connection.
4. never click on links in an e-mail.
5. keep your security up-do-date.
6. keep a copy of your order process.
7. check your credit card statements often.

go here for more info.

it's a bpa issue

and then there's the canned soup problem. apparently eating a can of soup every day for five days drastically increases your chance of heart disease and diabetes.

how can that be, you wonder? read this and be forewarned.

the other side of the coin is that everything has an issue these days so go ahead and do what you want.

colds and stuff

i'm one of those old-fashioned people who have always believed in aspirin. bayer aspirin.

other things have come along ... tylenol, advil, etc ... but i don't take those others. they just don't do it for me, and even though 'the experts' have just about ruined aspirin with their proclamations of dangers to children, it works for me even if it were to turn out to just be a placebo effect.

granted, i only take about four aspirin a year, but that's still better than taking four tylenol or advil as far as i'm concerned.

and now i read about this. you want to really be careful about using tylenol. watch your dosage.

Monday, November 21, 2011

bond ... james bond

a tiny floating island for all you dreamers out there.


this is interesting, but i think the thing i like most about it is the music.

this shot is actually a little more interesting -- going up instead of down.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

wait ... what are they doing ...

my cousin also sent me this:

"To save the economy, on December 30, 2011, Obama has ordered the immigration department to start deporting retired people instead of illegals in order to lower Social Security and Medicare costs. We are easier to catch, and will not remember how to get back home! See you on the bus. I wonder where we’re going?"

i thought it was funny, but on second thought, maybe we should start running. we won't get far, but we don't have to get on that bus willingly. after all, we're baby-boomers, the sit-down, let's protest, free spirit generation.

although like captain picard said, 'resistance is futile'. of course, that's when  his mind had been taken over by the hive or the cube or whatever it was. still ... never give up!

goin' to church

i'm not very crazy about country music, but my cousin sent me this so i listened. it's pretty darned good. and funny. amen.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

sweet babies

do you like animal pictures? these are darling!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

cooler today

interesting thing happened today. after i'd been at work about 2 hours, i realized i'd forgotten my underpants.

yes, i'd gotten dressed ... pantyhose, slip, skirt, blouse, vest, earrings, glasses, shoes. but i forgot my undies.

it was no big deal, although i felt this amazing freedom until i figured out what it was. and it would have maybe been a little risque except that my skirts come down to my ankles. hardly sexy. well, plus i'm 64.

still ... it was, um, interesting.

chemo brain anyone?


and, i have to say... oh. no shit.

finally there's an article which says that chemo may damage the brain of a woman undergoing therapy for breast cancer. oh. no shit.

like the article says, "cancer patients have long complained of neurological side effects such as short-term memory loss and, in extreme cases, vision loss, and even dementia following chemotherapy." true.

and it goes on to say, "doctors have traditionally dismissed these complaints attributing them to stress caused by cancer diagnosis and treatment." also true. typical doctors.
the study was done using the drug 5-FU which, of course, was one of the three i had (cytoxan and methotrexate were the other two). you can read about it, but mainly it shows that doctors often ignore what women say. oh. no shit.

and yes, it did affect my brain. i never again was quite as quick, quite as accurate, or quite as confident of my work. goddammit all anyway.

Monday, November 14, 2011

chalk drawings

you know those street chalk-drawings that are always so cool? well, check this out. i mean, you can see it happening.

the thing you probably cannot see quite as well is the proportions they use. for example, the first picture is the whole. the second one is the history. the third one is the drawing before the coloring.

now, look closely. the corner closest to you is the corner farthest away in the completed drawing. it's the flip (top-to-bottom) of picture four. the little guy on the horse in number four, is the pink elongated sketch in picture three.

the perspective is amazing and probably only good from a very narrow viewpoint.

oh hell i'm going to drown....

this little ole' lady is a kick

reminds me of my oklahoma relatives' attitudes! cool!

Friday, November 11, 2011

if only ....

this little guy is only nine years old, but look how he can paint!

and this is ....

i love this picture! and the others are pretty darned good!

daily exercise

oh those chinese. this walkway is 4,700 above sea level, which doesn't tell us how high above the ground it is, but anything higher than 3 ft is too high for me.

i couldn't walk along this thing if i were drunk and securely tied to a higher point. no can do. nope. fini.

Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Monday, November 07, 2011

you're going after the wrong guy

i really have never understood the idea of punishing those who've been abused, when they strike out at their abuser. the people who think that's the right way to handle things have never been beaten or severely punished or emotionally deprived, and i'd like to see if they'd still feel that way after suffering, themselves, a period of unexpected, unrelenting abuse. like this kid -- -- it's just not right.

Sunday, November 06, 2011

when in rome

i don't know, i just think it's weird. i mean, back in the day you always dressed up to go to church. you wore your sunday best. i always wore skirts. the husband says he always wore a suit.

i just saw a pix of maria and arnie exiting church and she had on leather knee-high biker boots, black tights, a black t-shirt, a grey shirt, and a black jacket. man, i am soooooooo out of it.

but isn't there something about the way you dress shows how you feel about yourself? yes, i know that times change but there are so many people out there wearing very unappealing, unflattering fashions. to say nothing of the hollywood crowd and their sleazy slutty creations. or ... maybe i'm just out of it.

system alert

a nation-wide test of the emergency broadcasting system will happen this wednesday, november 9 at 11:00 a.m. pacific. do not panic. it is only a test.

eight years earlier...

the husband discovered this cover when he was looking through a box which had been stored away. notice the date? prophetic, isn't it?!

the cut prediction

i got my hair cut last week.

that's a significant statement. i got my hair cut.

you see, back in 1995 a number of things happened and i decided the hell with hair stylists and started cutting my own hair. no, i have not had any training, but how hard could it be? seeing as how i just cut it the same length all over, it wasn't that hard, but after 16 years of holding my arms up for an hour and trying to see the back and sides and getting everything all even and stuff, i just said oh hell.

there's a gal in town who has a place by herself and i know someone at work who goes to her to get her hair colored. and she likes her, so i figured i didn't have anything to lose. so i went and she spent an hour cutting my short hair and that was about the amount of time i used to spend when a really good person was working on my hair. i mean, i had someone in a fancy salon one time cut it and it took half an hour and it was a lousy cut. i figure if they spend an hour, they're trying to make it good.

at any rate, she did a very good job and didn't try to sell me 'product' and even though i don't style it the way she blow-dried it, i am very satisfied with the cut. and that's how i figure i'm going to know i got the l.a. job. you find something you like, you lose it or it gets taken away. simple.

Saturday, November 05, 2011

kids get sick

my older son and his family are sick this weekend. we were going to see about driving down and visiting, but no. i remember when the kids were little that being sick all the time was de rigueur. that's one more reason to have kids while you're young.

i wonder how that 65 year old mom did while the kid was getting to age 5....

green fences

we drove up to canada today to drive around and see people's yards. there are an awful lot of hedges up there. in fact, some of them are three deep! a hedge, a fence, another hedge. some of them are pretty and some are strange, some are wild and some are really thick. a lot of them are privacy hedges and shoot up 10+ feet in the air.

i wanted to show the husband to help him feel a little better about things if/when we put the house on the market. we have a two-year old hedge which is coming along nicely and is already more than 5 feet tall. since houses around here aren't selling, i figure we have as good a chance at having a canadian buyer looking at it as a state-side buyer. won't hurt, anyhow.