Saturday, November 19, 2011

wait ... what are they doing ...

my cousin also sent me this:

"To save the economy, on December 30, 2011, Obama has ordered the immigration department to start deporting retired people instead of illegals in order to lower Social Security and Medicare costs. We are easier to catch, and will not remember how to get back home! See you on the bus. I wonder where we’re going?"

i thought it was funny, but on second thought, maybe we should start running. we won't get far, but we don't have to get on that bus willingly. after all, we're baby-boomers, the sit-down, let's protest, free spirit generation.

although like captain picard said, 'resistance is futile'. of course, that's when  his mind had been taken over by the hive or the cube or whatever it was. still ... never give up!

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