Saturday, January 07, 2012

blindfolds and heads in the sand

i've been curious about physic things for as long as i can remember. someone is always wanting to call it bunk, someone else claims it's all true.

i've experienced the kind of thing in this article as have an awful lot of people. i enjoyed the article and would love to see the scientific world accept this stuff, even if they don't understand it. americans will probably be the worst about accepting it though.

i still remember one time when my girlfriend and i were staying in canada and were driving from somewhere back to our camp. all of a sudden i realized we were going the wrong way. there were no signs and i had no idea where we were or where we were headed since she was driving and i wasn't paying any attention, but i KNEW we were going the wrong way. so i told her we needed to go back and get on the right road. we turned around and went a few miles back and sure enough, she had missed the turn.

i actually attribute this more to a strong sense of magnetism in my body than a physic thing because i knew we should be going north and i felt that we weren't. but still .... it's all strange.

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