Monday, February 27, 2012

i'll pass. no, really.

this is a little spooky(as in, a lot). a roller coaster ride set up to deliberately kill you.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

catches your eye

i completely forgot to show you the picture my nephew and his wife sent us this christmas -- love it!!!

the dotted line

it's just so silly when you have a product that you're supposed to open by pushing in on the dotted line which has supposedly been intermittenly slit to make it easier. ha! for some ungodly reason that slitted line seems reinforced so that it can't be opened, and you end up pushing in the whole side of the container and breaking your fingernail. what, exactly, are they thinking?

and then there are those little individual pill containers which indicate you simply have to pull back the backing and extricate your pill. ha! i'm sure they weld the backing to the container edge so that the only way to get to the pill is to stab the container with your magic sword. again, what are they thinking?

Saturday, February 25, 2012

don't think about it, just do it

honestly, it's always an argument. "Go take your pills." "I don wanto. I don wanto." "Go clean the bathroom." "I don wanto. I don wanto. I don wanto." "Brush your teeth." "I don wanto." sometimes it's just hard to get yourself to do something.

Friday, February 24, 2012

oh yeah...

this kid is definitely getting jiggy with it!

zippin' around ...

okay! i'll take one of these. one big car, one little car. perfect!!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

kinda like a dodo bird ....

i always thought kakapo meant ... well, nevermind. but this is a parrot bent on self-annihilation. the females don't want to mate, the males want to mate with everything, and all of them live to be 90. the birds only eat one thing and that is a fruit that only is on the tree every four years. weird.

superma ... oops

and you've seen pictures of that guy in a squirrel suit who flies off tall mountains and zooms down at x-ty mph? he had an accident last month and broke both his legs. there's a video (i watched it with the sound off and it was fine) which shows the accident but it's really confusing because he has a follower. i didn't realize there was a second guy (yeah, i'm slow ... so?) and the scene didn't make sense until the third time. at any rate, it's an interesting montage. and it looks like he only had his 'chute open about 2 seconds before he landed in some bushes. which had to really hurt since his legs were broken. and you have to wonder if any other, um, appendage was hurt because he hit the rocks just below the waist. i mean, ouch and forever.

oh good grief!

oh, this is so typical of the way some people think:

"Germany was criticised in a report issued by The Council of Europe’s anti-torture body, the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture (CPT). In its own words it regards itself as 'influential in setting the EU political agenda, but it has no powers to pass laws'. In its report on castration it said, 'The CPT must express its fundamental objections to the use of surgical castration as a means of treatment of sexual offenders. Surgical castration is a mutilating, irreversible intervention and cannot be considered as a medical necessity in the context of the treatment of sexual offenders. In the CPT’s view, surgical castration of detained sexual offenders could easily be considered as amounting to degrading treatment.'"

that's rich. but it's okay to brutalize or murder children? get your heads on straight. these people deserve no considerations. none. they are non-rehabilitatable.  some people are just bad, so you deal with them, permanently. Germany at least makes the procedure an option. you CPT people are dolts.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

my baby is a cowboy ....

the husband bought a truck.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

danger, will robinson

since it's probably a crap-shoot as to when a computer would become infected, i wonder if it would help to turn off your computer when you're not actively on it, like when you head for bed or leave the house. dang these hackers, taking away all my fear-free fun and changing my innocence!!!

just let me toss in a load of clothes

i want one!! i'm not sure how you'd wash a quilt or bedspread, but i love the concept and the convenience. i probably won't be around for the 2050 production date though .... dangit.

did you pick up a gecko?

wow -- this is cool! they've figured out something small you can use to stick heavy things to the wall. i wonder how they'll price it

Sunday, February 12, 2012

hand lotion

i am very particular about my hand lotions. a lot of them are really stinky. i mean, some fruity thing or some exotic something-or-other which totally makes me gag! other lotions are too greasy or too waxy.

but my daughter-in-law gave me this one which says it's for very dry skin but it doesn't claim a fragrance. it has one though. everytime i put it on i immediately find myself sitting in the weeds behind a big old barn on a gorgeous sunny day popping a new piece of bubble gum in my mouth. and i love it!

i mean, it sounds weird. but the fragrance is so clean and woodsy and happy and child-like. and i used the last of it last night. it's just sad.

wait! hold the phone! i just read the back of the tube. they say rainmakers of shea and cocoa butter, sunflower, soybean, ginseng, aloe, gentian root, murumuru, mango, kokum butter, boise oil, palmarosa, galbanum and grapefuit.

nah ... sunshine, bubble gum and weeds.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

"But, Officer ...."

An officer responded to a homeowner’s call for assistance when the resident could not locate the source of an obnoxious persistent buzzing noise inside her house. Together they were able to narrow the list of potential culprits down to a single misbehaving appliance. Once again it turned out that the guilty party was the normally quiet one that you’d least suspect.

Police responded to a report of an occupied suspicious vehicle parked near a business late at night. The occupant was contacted and he explained he was living in his van and planned to be in the area for just a little while. He said he had been hiding from outlaws for years and years, and this town seemed to be a safe haven for the moment. The man agreed to change locations so the business nearby could enjoy the same feeling of safety.

An officer contacted a man in front of the police station, where he was asking for help getting to the next big town, after being deported from Canada. The gentleman turned out to be wanted by the state of Oregon Parole Board on a felony warrant for parole violation. He was provided a ride to said town and a safe warm room in jail, quadruple occupancy.

Police received a report of a suspicious vehicle parked just off the road at a business. The arriving officers contacted a young adult motorist who had driven off the road, damaging his car as he crashed into the nearby landscaping rocks and shrubs. In the process the driver suffered substantial distain and numerous disparaging remarks from his carload of young friends. His wounds were dressed by traffic citations and a collision report.

Friday, February 10, 2012

this is how you do it

i'm sure you've noticed how they pack a lot of air in those potato chip bags. and you've probably had to get a pair of scissors to get them open. and you can forget about pulling the sides apart because the seams are welded together. well, it's possible to just push the sides together to get them pop open. and does it work? yes. and where do they open? on the bottom. what happens then? you get greasy salty chips all over your clothes. is it hard to shake the pieces of chips out of your clothes? no. will you do it that way again? no, i'll use scissors.

Monday, February 06, 2012

high up in the sky

okay, so this guy is going to go up  to 120,000 feet and then dive toward earth and part-way down he's going to be going 690 mph. at what point does he start to burn up? this is so bizarre. if he doesn't burn up, how can his body withstand that speed? i'll take an enclosure myself, thanks.

Sunday, February 05, 2012

the loss of individuality and one-ness

is this a day you'd like to be scared? i suppose you'd think it was scary only if you had any brains. this article talks about merging computers with our grey matter and carrying on. oh ick. if you read down the paragraphs, it just conjures up sci-fi at its scariest.

and supposedly it's going to happen soon. but then, as richard smalley says, "When a scientist says something is possible, they're probably underestimating how long it will take. But if they say it's impossible, they're probably wrong." that feels like a totally accurate statement. so ... ick.

kids play!

so here's this little 18-month kid playing table tennis. sort of. but he hits the ball like a pro even when he's not watching. and he's a cutie.

on the other hand my grandson could do that. only he'd hit the ball to hawaii. that kid's got power.

flowers that glow along with the bride

at first i thought they were pretty when i read the article, then i went to their website and decided they were kind of spooky. making the flowers pretty would take a little talent so that they didn't end up looking spooky.

Friday, February 03, 2012

vary inteligunt

i wonder if he does this more than once (as in, it's a regular feature) or not. it's pretty interesting to watch high school kids give answers to questions a peer asks. some are downright funny. and some make you wonder. and, oh yes, canada is a state.

beware trojan horses

did you see there's a new form of virus which can infect your computer from an e-mail just by opening it to read it? you don't have to have an attachment or anything. now, that's scary.

i'm planning on reading my e-mails from now on just using the reading pane.

the mile-high club?

oh good grief. we are totally losing our perspective here. two airplanes humping? on the cover of a magazine? no sense in studying anthropology ... we're back to being cavemen.

don't leave home without it

did you ever want to see someone caught in an avalanche? this gal was snowboarding and triggered an avalanche and used an airbag to keep herself on top. it's interesting to watch. curious that the whole thing was filmed, but i don't suppose they had that all planned out.