Saturday, March 17, 2012

now not so much ...

i'm trying to decide if i want to quit using google or not. their privacy issues are irritating. i used to love that company. . . . 'power corrupts' as they say. if i change blogs, i'll let you know.


  1. kristo4:52 PM

    There's always tumblr...

  2. hmmm, haven't heard of it before. it looks like it has lots of options, you don't have to have ads showing, and everything's free. what's the catch?

    i had thought about going back to livejournal -- do you think not?

  3. kristo1:19 PM

    All the cool kids have left lj for tumblr (Aimee has one).

    People seem to like it because it's very easy to "reblog" things that you come across on it. You pick tumblr blogs to follow (like having friends on lj), and watch all of them on your "dashboard" page. When you see something you like or want to comment on, it's easy to do so—so that anyone following you or looking at your tumblr will see it.

    The other big attraction for the always-on folks is that the more people you follow, the more content comes streaming into your eyeballs every hour!

  4. kristo1:44 PM

    I haven't moved on to tumblr because I'm sticking with lj for solidarity.

    One other tumblr that I read every once in awhile is that of Dave Holmes, a gay comedian. ragbag, he of "Summoning the Ur-Dog" fame, is on there also.

  5. i like aimee's blog. the other ones ... i think i'm not in the right age-group.

    so i'm going to have to continue giving the blog changing some more time. oh crap. does that mean i procrastinate? dangit.

  6. kristo10:56 PM

    True, I suspect tumblr is dominated by t(w)een set. But for example, Aimee follows a couple of people who embroider, as well as some who do webcomics, etc. And I'm sure there are some that are devoted to posting pretty pictures of stuff.

    I'm not totally trying to make you a guinea pig. At all. Now goink there and make something of yourself!
