Saturday, April 28, 2012

coughing is the pits

MOS and the grandkids came up a couple of weekends ago. that was a fun time. they're 2 and 4 now and gorgeous kids. after they went home i came down with a cold. that was bothersome for a few days, then i started this cough. oh good lord. this was a horrendous cough and i drank water and put heat on my chest and slept as much as i could. the cold is gone and the cough is retreating, but it lingers. i hear that whooping cough is going around. since i was immunized way back when, i wouldn't think it would be a problem for me, but this cough sounded a lot like how i imagine whooping cough would. kind of a bark. and omnipresent. and annoying as hell 'cause once it started up it just wouldn't quit. i didn't call the doctor for any meds, since we're having such a hard time getting my blood pressure meds figured out and since i already know i'm allergic to codeine, so i took some of those burt's bees cough drops and amazingly they worked pretty well. lemon drops also worked. fisherman's friend worked for the husband. i have no idea how those could have made a difference, but no sense in arguing with what works. and one of these days it will be all gone. thank heavens.


  1. kristo8:52 PM

    One of my meds gives me a cough. Or maybe it's allergies? Whichever the case, it's something that I remember happening in high school, though luckily rarely.

    Basically every once in awhile a tiny pinprick on the back of my throat will just wake up. And my body goes, "Cough it! Cough the pin awayyyyyyy!" and if I try not to cough my eyes tear up, my nose runs, and eventually I HAVE to cough at least once to make it go away. Cough spray seems to help, but maybe I'll pick up some cough drops, too!

  2. mention your cough to your dr the next time you see him, just in case it matters.

    and yes, that's it exactly. you can try to not cough but all those things happen and then you cough anyway. what a pain!

  3. a female doctor? what's the world coming to??

  4. kristo6:34 PM

    It's all the same to me as long as it has warm hands.
