Saturday, May 26, 2012

very popular personage

have you seen this drunk make-up tutorial? the first time i watched it with the sound off. i laughed quite a bit. the second time i watched it with the sound on. i didn't laugh so much. weird. this gal has 3 million viewers and i have to say it must be a generation thing. i watched several of her videos (boys in the bathroom, girls in the bathroom, getting ready for a date)  to see what it was about -- wow. i'm out of touch. some of them were funny but in a VERY unacceptable-to-my-generation way. like i said, out of touch.


  1. kristo11:44 AM

    Oh, Jenna. I don't think I'm being prejudicial when I say she's mostly a youtube thing because she's hot. I've watched little because hotness is no longer a limited resource. She also has a decent sense of humor!

    That aside, there are a couple of her vids that are worth it, probably the most notable being what the dogs do when you're not home. The main reason I know about her is because one of her two dogs is an italian greyhound.

  2. hmmm, well, i guess her sense of humor and mine aren't the same. and yes, i noticed her little i.g. i always thought those were a little bit bigger - this one seems really small. and on the verge of terror all the time.

  3. kristo7:20 PM

    Both of her dogs seem terrified. I cannot imagine why...

  4. oh. well, yes, i can see your point.
