Saturday, July 28, 2012

what in the world?

the husband made me a blue guy and little boy. the original was stolen from the park and i had liked it so much, i asked him to make me one for here at home. so he did and it's wonderful. it graces the patio. somewhere around here we have a camera and when i see it again, i will take a pix and post.

at supper tonight i mentioned that when it starts raining again i'd like him to take the blue guy and little boy to my office. he said if people asked about it to tell them to watch Terminus. i think i had forgotten about that, and we watched it again. totally funky. especially when the pieces of concrete start dancing. ha! and i particularly liked the comment from canoai.

and then i watched another one. it was good. and it ended much better than it could have.

the husband is wonderful!

awww, my little turtle guys

so while i was looking around etsy, i saw something about guitar pick earrings and checked it out. WHOA!  FUN! i fell in love with a number of them but one of my favorites was this pair:

little turtle guys ... aren't they darling??!!! i love them and have been wearing them the last two days. too cute! anyhow, check out etsy. life with etsy is good and it doesn't cost as much as life in the malls!!!

a great gift

i have discovered etsy!

that doesn't mean i have just discovered it .... MYS/W have told me about it for several years, but it has only been in the last few weeks that i have availed myself of its offerings. and, really, everyone should -- it's home-grown folks doing their thing and putting them up for sale. the new daughter-in-law offers her embroidery on that site.

so i recently needed a going-away gift for one of my favorite bosses and when i actually got my head together enough to think about it, there was only barely a week left. i looked on etsy to see what was there in the guitar pick line. my boss plays guitar (and has ever since high school) as well as doing motorcycle things. i don't know all that much about either, but when i decided (my spiritual guide must have directed me) to see what i could see about picks, i ran across this extraordinary item....
these are five guitar picks made out of wood, bone, and stone. and they are beautiful. my boss was very surprised and pleased with the gift and showed them around to a number of people. and it turned out to be a two-hug worthy gift.

i felt lucky that i had made a good choice. the people on etsy that i bought them from had been scheduled to go on vacation about the time i needed the order, but they somehow got them made and shipped to me to arrive on the exact day i needed them. i wrote my appreciation. and i can't help but feel it was meant to be. the stars are aligned.

Friday, July 27, 2012

funny guy

mr. bean. i liked mr bean but a lot of people didn't. still .... how quintessentially british! and now they've done a little olympic piece with mr bean but the olympic committee won't let it be shown a number of places online including youtube. i searched around, though, and found it here. i mean, come on, what's up with not letting us see it? good grief. and ha!

ice crystals

have you ever heard of a fire rainbow? i've never heard of one, let alone seen one, and this article says they are relatively common in the u.s.; the picture in the article is pretty and was taken in scotland.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

a smudge of reality

this guy's pictures are so cool. because he has such a good imagination. and drawing abilities. i've blogged some before, here are some additional ones. enjoy!

today, class, we're going to make aspirin....

make your own drugs with a 3-d printer. it's becoming a reality, but i don't think drug companies are going to give up their power. that's another reality.

not to play with

okay all you loved ones in new mexico, oklahoma, and hot southern states. stay away from armadillos. they are the only non-human creatures which carry the bacteria which causes leprosy.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

get in there and play!

3-d interactive art. interesting to do, once anyhow.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

uh ... fred ... uh ...

c-17 aircraft are huge. and you would expect one to land on a very long runway. well, this c-17 was supposed to land on an 11,000+ foot runway but somehow touched down on a 3,000+ foot runway instead. it managed to stop with 10 feet to spare. mistake? or on purpose? don't know yet. funny though ...

life imitates art ....

banksy. yes, there is an artist who's name is readily recognizable. and he's being copied for real. see this.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

they are blessed

MYS's wedding was lovely. the location was absolutely beautiful and even though it was new mexico, the temps were only in the low 70s. it rained a little before the ceremony, to dust everything off, then the sun came out and the ceremony proceeded in a little meadow surrounded by aspen and pines. afterwards we all gathered inside the lodge and ate, danced, and talked. it rained some more.

she's such a sweetheart and i'm so happy for them both. their friends came from all over, including germany, and relatives came from far and wide. it was just a grand affair and a wonderful mix of people.

i wish them a life-time of happiness, joyful surprises, success, sexy nights, comfortable living, and love.

just set it out on the porch

a pot of soil can burst into flames! who knew?!