Thursday, February 23, 2006

the future and past all rolled into one

the library finally let us know it was our turn to check out Firefly. we'd had it recommended to us by several people and i was looking forward to seeing it.

no, it's not a bug. it's a ... futuristic sci-fi western! haha -- but it's true. it's great fun to watch these renegades zipping around in their space ship, then landing on a planet, jumping on their horses and, wearing their six-shooters, either chasing or being chased by the bad guys!

the crew consists of the captain -- the ship-owner, group leader, and ex-military sgt (of the losing side of the 'verse); the captain's side-kick, first mate, second-in-command -- a very competant black gal who's married to... ; ...the pilot -- a nice, easy-going, quick-thinking white guy; a redneck, rabble-rousing, outspoken and somewhat dense muscle/handyman; an excellent female mechanic who's sweet and friendly; a girl genius who was rescued from the bad guys who had her imprisoned (while they operated on her brain) and is now highly sought after (by the bad guys); a young doctor (the girl's brother) who rescued her from the bad guys (government or at least a highly protected group) and is now running for his life with her; a beautiful female 'companion' who is all things wonderous and for hire -- she's in love with the captain (and he with her) but they don't get that all figured out before the end of the series; and the shepard -- a man of god who helps keep the voice of reason heard.

the series has a lot of humor, some yucky violence, some imagination, and some family moments. some of the episodes are better-written than the others, but all-in-all it was pretty obvious the series should never have been taken off the air. once again the network stupid-frickin'-idiots-at-the-top sent an intelligent, quirky, enjoyable program to the grave -- just like Northern Exposure, WKRP in Cinncinnati, and Earth 2.

oh yeah, bring on jerry springer! let's have more roseanne! gimme bachelors, paris and her 'simple life', and more reality shows! and i'd include south park in that dismal bunch except that i've never seen it and the kids say it's good. hmmm, i saw the clip about aristocrats and really seriously have to wonder about good!

i'm feeling disgusted with those mba schmucks at the top --

but if i listen to Deja Move playing Master of Seduction i feel a little better ...


  1. Anonymous8:00 PM

    yeah I saw the ad and I was very curious--lly

  2. we really weren't too sure of it after the first big episode, but by the second and third one, we were hooked!

  3. Anonymous8:45 AM

    I agree with your assessment. The writers turned a number of norms upside down. For example, I found the social status of the "companion" interesting. Her occupation made her the most respected character in the group! Hubby.

  4. yes, she was (well, except for the shepard) and i think it was because since she was 'licensed', she had to be incredibly knowledgable on the arts, politics, history, etc etc. ..... and she didn't steal.
