Sunday, February 26, 2006

the husband has major salient points to make in his blog, the latest being this:!C3CADB26CE810164!294.trak . usually husband's commentaries are just hilarious, but this entry is perspicacious and frightening.

well, it would be frightening except that everytime i read about a major event (or series of events) that is going to be catastrophic, that i take right to heart and champion the cause of, everytime i do that ... nothing happens.

last decade there was something about Nostradamas that i believed in, especially since a close friend said she'd talked with a gal who blah blah, i don't remember, but it all tied in. but the prophesied event didn't happen.

and remember Y2K? i totally believed we were going to have problems because of that. i stocked up on supplies, water, food, while husband shook his head and walked away, muttering about hysterical females. and what happened? SSSSSssssssssssssssssssss ... absolutely nothing.

i got the kids their hepatitis shots and pneumonia shots, made sure they had their tetnus shots, encourage them to take flu shots, etc. etc. etc.

so, yes, i KNOW that global warming is causing things to change, but i am extremely wary about taking up the cause. because you know why? if i take up the cause, it won't happen. say ... there's an idea ...

GLOBAL WARMING IS COMING! Sell your homes and retreat to the hills! Buy up vast supplies of irreplaceable items. Stock your land with cows, pigs, chickens, and geese. Learn how to soak brains and use them for tanning hides. Learn how to garden, how to card and spin wool, how to weave on a loom. Learn how to shot a rifle and bow-and-arrow. Learn how to swing an ax, to notch wood for best effect, to sew up cuts. Learn about the healing properties of wild plants and primitive methods of medicine. Well, wait ...stock the Foxfire series, 1 through 12 (by Eliot Wigginton and others) because there's too much stuff to know and not enough time to memorize it all.

there now .. no more trouble about global warming!

right now i'm feeling -- pretty smug
and i'm listening to Deep Dive Corp. playing Walker and lovin' it!


  1. Anonymous6:35 AM

    Thank you! I feel better now. Your catastrophe diversion program sounds reliable to me! Now, please see what you can do about the catastrophe in the White House. Hubby

  2. Anonymous6:38 AM

    No! Wait! It's too late to prevent the catastrophe in the White House!It's already here! Dang it! Hubby
