by the time i saw the post, there had been more than 300 comments made in response. i read all of them -- with most of the people saying why would we do that or your graphics are terrible or fix the problems first and other people saying how cute. then i added my own comment, "and we can use virtual money, right?" (i use lj occasionally.)
later in the day i got a notice of a comment to my comment, so i checked out the site which had gone from 4 pages of comments to 15 -- over 1100 remarks! (and now there are 1445 remarks in more than 18 pages.) let me share the comments that people made in response to mine:
administrator's post entitled Corniest Feature EVAR --
me: and we can use virtual money, right?
rightforyou: LMAO. Love it.
glowing dragon: Haha, I wish!
artsyfanson97: BEST COMMENT. YOU WIN.
artfuldodger: I think we should be able to use francs <[crossed out] franks (an inside joke)
impish nymph: You own.
liliths nymph: :D
lovelie cake: You = teh shit.
uhhh, i own? i the shit?? ww-what? so i e-d My Youngest Son and he saved the day, as follows:
when i asked about you own, he said, "Hahaha -- they meant "you own" as in "Ooooo! That guy totally got owned!" -- or, in leet-speak, "That guy totally got pwn3d!" -- meaning, in other words, you made a comment which was so good that you clearly won the argument. (The 'got owned' sense of course would be describing someone who clearly lost the argument.)"
when i later said, "??? i = the shit ??? is that bad? is she dissing me?", he replied, "No, that's a compliment, too. Search for "the shit" either here ( or here ( I got to both sites by doing a Google search for slang "the shit". I also suspect her use of "teh" was intentional for aforementioned reasons.
Peace out"
so, my peeps, that zerg rush, kekeke, pwned m3 bu+ mj n(_) 1337 sk1iiz w1ii buj m3 4 can of pwn4ge!!!11!eleventyone!!1!!! w00t
i feel --

and i'm enjoying Digital Analog Band playing Dream On
U rul3z ROFLMAO OMGWTF 4eva!!1
ReplyDeleteOh, and in keeping with the pwned generation, I bring you Teen Girl Squad, Episode 10!!
"so, my peeps, that zerg rush, kekeke, pwned m3 bu+ mj n(_) 1337 sk1iiz w1ii buj m3 4 can of pwn4ge!!!11!eleventyone!!1!!! w00t"
ReplyDeleteI'd be embarrassed that I can understand that, if only I didn't think my ability to do so was so hawt.
ohmygod -- strongbad rulz!!111!!
ReplyDeleteand YOU roxor, b4b3 111!!!oneonetyone!!1!
ReplyDeleteBlub gub a nub sub, dawg. Yo smoe a gogo joe foe no mo do ho, bro. Po
Happy V-day I lvoe you.