Saturday, April 29, 2006

cluck, cluck...

wow -- that grabs your attention, doesn't it?! i never even knew stuff like this took place. intentionally took place, that is. but 'active 4-wheeling' seems to be a new and exciting thing to do. actually, i think i would have enjoyed it when i was 25, but not now. somehow, in my old age, i've turned into a chicken. would you like doing that??? Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

  1. I've seen these rock-crawling 4X4's on TV.
    People spend tons of money to beef up the suspension systems, powertrains, tires, and roll bars on their vehicles. Then, they go try to climb over a big pile of boulders. If they don't do it right, they might tip over and roll, end-over-end, down the pile.
    I think it might be challenging - if it weren't so expensive.
    To be successful, you must find the edge of your vehicle's power, balance, and traction limits then tip-toe along those edges without falling over the edge - literally and figuratively.
