Monday, May 01, 2006

a frontier

It is day two of my journey. Yesterday I stopped in the 1200s. Since I can only move back in time, not forward or to a different location, the surrounding area is extremely similar to what I said good-bye to yesterday morning. There are shallow, rolling hills, fewer trees, but quite a bit more grass, bushes, and colorful weeds. I haven’t spotted any people, but I saw a coyote, a number of birds, and some rabbits earlier today. I have no intention of removing myself from this protected vehicle, which works out well since I am able to see, hear, and smell the surrounding area from inside. I look forward to the sunset.

It is day four of my journey. I stopped today in 210 A.D. There is a large stream nearby, but all of the vegetation has been destroyed by fire. It must have been quite a storm. There has been no recovery yet, no animals or birds. It is not a pleasant sight.

It is day six of my journey and today I am in about 1127 B.C. There is quite a forest all around me and I can see a group of what must be people on the top of a small hill. They appear to be resting and socializing, but there are no huts or living units that I can see.

It is day eight of this journey. The recall mechanism will click into place tomorrow and it will take me just about five minutes to arrive at the facility. I will have quite a bit to share, much more than this skeletal diary would suggest. Today finds me in about 1945 B.C. This is grassland once again, with several streams running through the area, along with numerous animals, birds, and people. The people appear to be coming and going from an opening in a hill, however from this distance I cannot tell if the hill is man-made or if the place underground was excavated. Fascinating.

It is day ten of my journey. For some reason, the recall mechanism did not perform as anticipated and I have yet to return to my time. As I am sure they are working on solving the problem, I am continuing with my research. It appears to be about 3385 B.C. and the area is overrun with large animals. In the last hour, I have seen six wolves, seven cougars, four grizzly bears, and numerous vultures, eagles, and ravens. This area seems much more savage than previously observed, and I am glad for my vehicle’s protection. No sign of people, and no wonder.

It is day twenty-five of my journey. This will be my last entry as I simply don’t care to record anymore. Apparently they are not able to bring me home. I am unable to keep the vehicle from progressing back in time and do not wish to continue this way. When I conclude this entry, I will attempt to break the seal and emerge from the vehicle. I estimate it be to around 14,300 B.C. There are many more hills than in my day, although only a few trees, with a number of streams in sight as well as bushes and grasses. There appears to be a cliff of some sort off in the distance, but I see nothing that indicates people might be about. I cannot imagine how this is going to turn out, but wish me luck. --Theodore Summerstone

1 comment:

  1. I love it when you wrtie this stuff! What happens neixt?!!!
