Thursday, April 27, 2006

Paparazzi struggle as Pitt-Jolie birth nears

man, ya gotta feel sorry for those picture-takers, right?

"Not only must the paparazzi contend with cloth screens surrounding the luxury resort. The police have joined private security guards to protect Jolie, 30, and Pitt, 42, from prying lenses, and one guard has used pepper spray to keep a photographer at bay."

"Namibia has already expelled several photographers from the seaside resort, and the government warned other journalists it would take all measures to ensure the couple continue to enjoy their stay."

"Paparazzi on the ground are clearly finding life tough...'This has really gotten out of hand. There is a no-fly zone over the hotel, it is an unprecedented display of police power. It is really ominous.'"

ominous -- oooooooh, the boogie-man.

excuse me *little snerk: heh* while i *bubbly mirth: hahahaha* go hide *raucous, uncontrolled, rotfl: *.


  1. I'm sure glad that I nobody. If I was somebody and the paparazzi found out I was somebody, I'd have to kill somebody.
