Sunday, May 14, 2006

midnight ride

“But Sammy, how can we escape if we don’t know where we’re going?” Trixie stumbled over her long gown and nearly knocked Sammy into the river.

“Dammit! That’s the third time you’ve tripped and nearly wiped me out Doll-face,” hissed Sammy exasperatedly. “Hold up that skirt and walk like a normal person so we can actually get where we’re going.”

Trixie grabbed both sides of her dress bringing the hem up to mid-calf as she continued walking rapidly down the dark pathway. “Okay. It’s taken care of. Now, how are we going to get out of this m---”

Sammy had stuck out his arm and Trixie ran right into it, unintentionally getting the wind knocked out of her, which stopped her from talking as well as walking. “Shhh,” he whispered, “I think someone’s on the river.” They both pressed back into the stygian shadows, listening intently for signs of pursuit. After a few minutes, Sammy relaxed. “Let’s get going,” he muttered. “We ought to find a boat right around here.”

“A boat?” squeaked Trixie looking down at her high heels and elegant gown. “If I’d known we were going to have to get in a boat, I’d have worn different shoes,” she lamented. “What good does it do me to get dressed up if I'm going to get messed up?”

“I’ll make it up to you, just keep your voice down.” Sammy stopped again, then as the moon played hide-and-seek with some wispy clouds he bent down and searched through the bushes. “Here it is. Come on, get in carefully and go sit on the other end.”

Trixie stepped closer as she said, “I can’t see a thing when the moon disappears. How do you know anything’s there?”

“Step forward and lift your leg so you can g---” Sammy felt Trixie’s heel innocently stomp his big toe and bit back a yell. She teetered off-balance, frantically trying to stay upright.

“Sammy, Sammy,” she exclaimed softly, just as she felt his hands reach out and steady her. “I’m not sure this is going to work. I can’t see a blamed thing!”

“It’ll work,” he sighed. “It has to work. Just get in and sit down right away. We’ve got to get out of here.”

Trixie stumbled forward then sank onto the seat, feeling something knock against her leg. She reached down and picked up a thick stick as Sammy was getting in. “Here,” she said, “You might need this.”

She held the stick up toward Sammy, accidentally hitting him between the legs whereupon he collapsed with a groan, the action gently plunging him backwards off the boat. He ended up in the fetal position half-in and half-out of the water as the boat absent-mindedly moved away from the shore and into the steady downstream movement of the water.

“Sammy? What happened! Where are you?!” Trixie gasped. Then she simultaneously realized the boat was moving, and that she was alone. “Uh, oh,” she said in a very small voice.

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