Sunday, May 14, 2006


even though it's a gorgeous, special day, i must tell you about a most gruesome disease i read about last night. it's called Morgellons and you can read the astounding details here -- .

this disease is being ignored by most doctors as well as the cdc, and patients are left feeling embarrassed, humiliated, and suicidal. a brief recap of symptoms: itchy skin (like bugs are crawling around underneath the skin), little blue fibers, black specks, and white threads coming out of lesions in the skin, hair loss, lymphedema, and extreme fatigue.

most doctors think the patients are delusional since no infectious agent is readily apparent, and the disdain from the medical community has patients looking for answers on their own. one patient told his doctor he had a gun in his glove compartment and the next doctor who told him it was all in his head, he was going to shoot the doctor. another patient, a teenager, killed himself. desperate people do desperate things.

so far, most of the patients are located in texas, florida, and california. one texas doctor has been looking into the problem and thinks there may be a connection with lyme disease. the oklahoma state department of health is seriously studying the disease and other groups have contacted this department to share their own findings.

the whole thing sounds like an alien horror flick, but it is definitely real. as Mark Twain said, "Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn't."

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