Monday, November 06, 2006

south dakota 4-c

the poet's cabin was our destination because it's such a pretty area, and that's where the husband wants to have his ashes scattered. he loves the hills and that is his favorite place in the hills. i have a number of places i love between washington and nebraska, places i wouldn't mind spending eternity, but i think i'd just as soon be scattered in the same area and spend eternity with him.

the cabin itself is no longer there. miscreants were causing so much trouble, drinking and carousing, that it was torn down by officials. nature has been reclaiming it and with the baby pine trees turning into teenagers, pretty soon if you don't have an excellent idea of where it was located, you will never figure it out. regardless, the area is still gorgeous and amenable to picnics, memories, and memorials.

a view...

and another view...

nature is taking over...

this is what we always called the woodpecker cafe. it has so many holes pecked into it we could never figure out how it kept standing...

great climbing rocks for kids!
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