Sunday, December 03, 2006

if i were younger

i'm so excited. once again my home state is doing intelligent and forward-thinking things, and being on the cutting edge. they are putting together a spaceport!!! isn't that cool?! so far, this country has put or is putting together spaceport sites in california, florida, alaska, virginia, texas, new mexico, wisconsin, ohio, and oklahoma.

and one of the neatest things about the spaceport is that it is located pretty close to the itty, bitty town where my dad grew up and i spent many a summer in my yute -- oklahomans are some of the nicest, most well-bred, gentle folk you will ever encounter anywhere.

when the husband, the boys, and i lived just outside of oklahoma city, we sent both the kids to a fun summer activity called space camp, so it doesn't surprise me that there is now a spaceport in the state. (a number of astronauts have come from oklahoma.) some oklahomans can be pretty backward, but the ones who are bright, are very bright indeed. go my home state!

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