Friday, December 01, 2006


we have a glorious day today full of sunshine and white reflective snow. it has stayed white because no one has been able to get around on it -- the snow had a brief period of right-at-freezing temps which left a sheen of water which then froze. under the last two inches of snow is solid ice and people have stayed home. smart thinking. but today we have sunshine which may make people think it's safe to get out (after being stuck inside for a week) and hubby has gone down to the restaurant with jean to open up and see if any customers come in.

hubby and i are going to run the restaurant all by ourselves next week while jean is in atlanta seeing her mother and trying to arrange the purchase of a bakery that is for sale in exactly the neighborhood she wants to move into. i hope she is successful and that we are too, bringing in the much needed bucks.

another glorious thing is the animusic phenomenon. haven't heard of them? do you have music in your soul? go to this website and be presented with wonderful sounds and images which you can download. we bought two of their cd's and thoroughly enjoyed them. best of luck to these small entrepreneurs.

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