Wednesday, February 07, 2007

the interview

the interview went well. he was a very nice guy who was helpful and pleasant, not pushy or scary.

the biggest problem is one which may keep me from getting the job: since we are not social butterflies, and i have greatly enjoyed the solitary pursuit of reading my books and playing on the computer, i have not sought out new friends. therefore, there's no one around here who can verify i have not had a job in the last 3 years. everyone who knows that has already been listed on my questionnaire and can't be used again, or is a relative and can't be used.

that means i'm really up a creek. since we've only lived here 1-1/2 years, i don't have an extensive social track record. it is going to really suck if i don't get the job because of not knowing enough people. i mean, i'm an introvert for pete's sake.


  1. Anonymous10:19 PM

    Wouldn't, like, our old friend the IRS know this? Surely there must be something you can do!

  2. well, that's exactly what the husband said. i guess i'll worry about that when they give me a definite no-go.

  3. Anonymous5:22 AM

    :( !
