Friday, February 09, 2007

ummm, sorta

things are coming together. i pick up the new car tomorrow; hubby is fully immersed (ha) in his new job; the defective mattress was picked up today and replaced as a queen instead of king.

i hope i like the new car. it seems like it will be really nice and i'll get pictures up as soon as i can.

hubby thinks he'll like his job, but it has made him really tired. i'm wondering if he needs to have his meds checked. i called and moved up his yearly appt to march 1 and he'll get his blood drawn 2 days before so the doctor will be able to update whatever needs updating.

the king mattress was really too big. and getting the sheets/pillows/blankets for it -- whoa, $$$$$. so thankfully the gal macy's sent out was able to verify there was a defect in our new (about 6 months old) stearns and foster mattress so we could get it replaced. they didn't squawk too much about us wanting the smaller size. i totally loved the mattress except for the defect, so the replacement is exactly the same one.

but the job -- i had an interview with the deep background guy and let me tell you ..... what an experience. they kept wanting more references and more references yet i couldn't use relatives. hmmm, well, i'm an introvert and have moved quite a bit. that means i have few friends i bother staying in contact with, but the ones i do are precious to me. which seems to mean: i'm fycked.

and when they called this morning to say my information had been sent back because they showed my social security number as something different than what i had written down, i about hit the roof. enough already. i'm honest. i have not worked for pay since 2003. i have no intention of overthrowing our government and would viciously fight anyone who would. and the social security number i wrote down is correct.

put up and let's get going, or shut up and leave me alone.

1 comment:

  1. You are exactly right. I'm glad you are keeping notes because this needs to be brought to the attention of the EEOC and OPM.
    The process has become absurd. "Give us the names of all friends, acquaintences, and co-workers for the last 10 years."
    "Now give us DIFFERENT names of people who can verify that you haven't worked in the last 3 years."
    How many people can verify someone else has NOT done something in the last 3 years?!! It's just crazy-stupid.
