Sunday, April 29, 2007

if it seems too good to be true...

the husband and i just watched a movie i think everyone should see -- Enron, The Smartest Guys In The Room by magnolia home entertainment.

i'm not one for documentaries, usually, but our neighbor who had the restaurant and then moved back to georgia, lost all her money due to her then-husband's investment of everything they had in enron, and i felt compelled to watch the story.

since i don't read a newspaper, i didn't really have a good grasp on the enron situation. the documentary does an excellent job of uncritically putting forth information with congressional testimony, eye witness interviews, and company footage. megalomania, greed, group mentality, and a complete lack of ethics seemed to be the key factors in this debacle.

and i add a caution to this notion: "ca·ve·at emp·tor (kav-ee-at emp-ter) -noun- let the buyer beware: the principle that the seller of a product cannot be held responsible for its quality unless it is guaranteed in a warranty." -- and the caution is: neither a guarantee nor a warranty will help if you're dealing with a liar.

i strongly encourage you to watch this film as this is not a once-in-a-lifetime occurrence.

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