Thursday, May 03, 2007

i've been busy

well, gentle readers, you recall that this week has been the beginning of my new governmental career. it has been very interesting to see the organization, the people, and my new duties. monday i started out confident and happy, but became less confident and less happy the next couple of days. but today i was left to myself, so i worked with what i had learned while cleaning up and personalizing my work area. it was a very good day.

i have the largest office, on the top floor. yes, it's true. of course, it's technically a reception area, but 90% of the time i'm the only one around, so ... it's mine. with one whole wall full of floor-to-ceiling windows. so i'm golden!

i really, really like my temporary boss (she has a joisey accent) as well as the other people i work closely with. my regular boss got called back to d.c. but will be back soon. and i expect to like her.

remember how i was trying to change from a night person to a morning person? the biggest problem i've had with everything is that each morning this week i've awakened half an hour earlier than the day before. at this rate saturday morning i'll awaken just about the time i used to go to bed! okay we can stop now...


  1. Anonymous8:39 PM

    Yay! I'm glad you're liking the people. And top-floor, floor-to-ceiling windows, eh? My my my!

    Sounds like things are going well!

  2. yes, i've identified a couple of people i think are going to be problemacious, but i think it'll work out. now if i can just get this sleep thing under control ...

  3. I'm happy for you too babe. Just think, you're gonna be RICH!!
    It's too bad your office is in a restricted area. I'd like to see it! Maybe we can work out a visitation agreement between State Parks and Homeland Security as part of a cultural exchange program. Ha!
