Saturday, November 10, 2007

dream last night

i was in a shopping area alongside which ran a very busy street which was under construction. the shopping area had street vendors along with busy stores and i was walking past things for sale when i noticed a hot-air balloon coming down to land.

it was a beautiful day with no wind and the balloon was set to land across the street in a pasture. when the gondola touched down, all that forward motion translated into splintered motion and the gondola with its twelve passengers sort of bubbled and bounced around for a bit, like a drop of water on a hot skillet.

another one was coming in to land but i resumed my walking and found myself going by the american indians who had the hot-air balloon business. the balloons were laying right there by the roadway, unfilled, waiting for the next passengers so they could inflate. i remember thinking the balloons weren't big at all, only about 12-15 limp feet long, with a couple of eagle feathers on the top.

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