Wednesday, November 14, 2007

oh, good grief

'politically correct' is one thing, but 'ridiculous' is another.

for quite a while now i've thought the p.c. idea has gotten totally out-of-hand, but yesterday a couple of co-workers told me that gossiping at work had gotten three people, from some company in this country, fired.

fired. for gossiping. i'm sorry, i just think that's stupid. sticks and stones and all that, so grow up.

the freedom of speech issue aside, unless someone can go back in time and take roseanne off the air, along with all the hateful, snide, snotty-commenting programs since, it's going to be hard to get workers to stop being so catty/snotty/hateful.

people have always been that way, but i think it's gotten worse since being negative was okayed by hollywood. good manners aren't nearly as valued as a quick, nasty wit.

i'd like to see political correctness die a quick death and i'd love a return to good old-fashioned manners. i don't mind all-inclusive terms like mailman, councilmen, brotherhood, etc. and i love someone opening the door for me, allowing me to exit first, helping me on with my coat. so there. pppffffththttttt.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:25 PM

    I agree. I think the victimization-mentality dark side of p.c., and the increase in nastyness come from the same place, the one you point to.

