Friday, March 14, 2008


wow -- there's just no time anymore. i suppose it's a matter of priorities, too.

when i get home from work i usually like to change into comfortable clothes, then read. right now i'm reading katie macalister's Holy Smokes. it's the fourth book in a series about a gal who finds out she's part of a world she's never noticed before, and her new boyfriend is a dragon. she has a demon sidekick, in the form of a newfoundland dog, and she gets in one mess after another. there are some totally hilarious lines and it's a light read and great relaxer.

we went down to have a birthday get-together last weekend. Our Older Son's birthday was on the 6th and our Daughter-In-Law's was on the 7th. Grandaughter smiled a lot and happiness was evident all around. it was an excellent day.

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