Friday, March 14, 2008

for the health of it!

i got ahold of a pretty cheap pedometer the other day. couldn't figure out anything except the clock. but it records every time i take a step. almost.

yesterday at work i took 3942 steps. today i took 5239. it doesn't record all my steps though. one time i counted, like, up to 15 and it had only registered 13. another time i counted to 20 and it had 18. i don't worry about any off-counts, but it's kinda interesting to see how much i walk. i mean, i knew i did, but to have it confirmed, cool.

and if my step is about 24 - 28 inches when i'm in a hurry (which is most of the time), then i'm walking quite a distance. and part of the "steps" are going up and down the stairs. i eschew the elevator unless i have to carry something heavy.

and since i started the job i always park in one of the most far-away parking spots. takes me about 6-7 minutes to get into the building.

at any rate, yay me!!


  1. Anonymous10:17 PM

    I meant to comment on this but then I kept getting blindsided by work (I also want to call and chat, but gah!).

    Anyway, that sounds really cool! My inner nerd (ok, ok, my nerd; there's only one) imagined spreadsheets with daily totals and plots and fits and Oooo! What fun!

    I'd be tempted to get my own except I—OOOMPH ::blindside::

  2. (haha -- you are so funny!)

    ah-ha! do i detect a birthday present? christmas present? wonderful-younger-son present?
