Wednesday, February 18, 2009

no cameras here though...

well, this is cool. i've been wondering about my trip to indianapolis next week -- what will the weather be like, what should i wear, what about shoes, what does it look like, should i go see anything.

i've always really liked wunderground -- it's a great weather website and also has a feature (wunderphotos) where you can see pictures people have submitted. it's neat for seeing what a place looks like.

i just discovered it also has webcams! i looked around a couple of days ago, trying to find some cams for indianapolis, and didn't come up with much. but now i have several cams i can look at in the daytime. since it's night, right now, i can't see very much, but i plan to check it out saturday.

so anyhow, in addition to finding information about a place from '50 states' (very useful if you're wanting to know the name of a newspaper in a particular area), remember to check out wunderground. especially the webcams!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

long weekend

what a beautiful day!! we have sunshine outside and blue skies and the renters next door moved out last night. i have to fly out next sunday to a class in indianapolis and will be flying back on thursday. i'm not worried about the weather but wouldn't it be great if it were sunny and calm the whole time i was there?!

drama at work! apparently once the big boss left (boo, hoo) the regional office decided to make some changes. one of the changes looks like it's going to be the duties in my job. currently i am VERY unhappy about this. i like the things i do and loooooooove having patty-cake for my boss! it would be fine for mr. lynn to be my boss, but having to keep his schedule and make his appointments and arrange for his trips -- sounds secretarial and very not-something-i-want-to-do. we'll have to see what happens, i guess, but at the moment my blood pressure is up. shit.

wasn't yesterday lovely?! the husband composed a poem to me and made me flowers! they're pretty flowers and will last a long long time. see picture below. he's a keeper!!!

Thursday, February 05, 2009

i'm gonna wash that stuff right outta my hair ....

the daughter-in-law got me some neat soap for christmas. it smells exactly like chocolate milk. last year she got me this gift thingy which had some lavender vanilla hand lotion in it. i always put that cream on my hands every night because i loved falling asleep while i was smelling it. it was heavenly.

at any rate, i was looking online, trying to find some lavender vanilla products. i came across this web site from iowa called prairieland herbs. they have a shampoo BAR which i just had to try. i chose the peppermint and tea tree and have absolutely loved it!! they suggest to use a vinegar rinse for the first week while your hair is recovering from the commercial stuff you've used on it forever.

i've been using it for about 2 weeks now (the bar lathers up just fabulously) and sometimes i still use the vinegar rinse and sometimes not. but my hair is soft and a prettier color (brown with 'clear' hairs mixed in) than it was before. and i think it holds my style better, too.

i really happy with it and plan on continuing buying it. if you want a kick, try it out!

take a deep breath and blooooooowww ...

it seems like there's just no time anymore to play. work makes me tired. so i am behind in relating all my fun experiences: listening to bagpipes and eating haggis, enjoying the weekend with my older son, dau-in-law, and grandaughter, forgetting things i wanted to relate.

slim jim, from work, and i went up into canada to a fundraiser for several bagpipe bands. there were about 320 people there and we had a really nice dinner plus all kinds of dessert. the meal was a salad, mashed carrots-and-turnips, mashed potatoes, and a huge roll of roast beef. plus, traditional haggis, of course. i've always heard about haggis and this was the real stuff. i knew it had oatmeal in it so i had no qualms about trying it. i just refused to remember what else was in it. it had an interesting taste -- not quite like anything else -- but it wasn't bad and slim jim and i both had seconds. i mean, why not.

there was a silent auction, too, and slim jim and i both came away with stuff -- i mean, it was a fundraiser and we were surprised that people weren't doing more bidding. so it was great for us -- he came away with a bunch of coffee and i got a bunch of kitchen stuff -- teas, dishtowels, candy, utensils, etc.

i totally enjoyed listening to the bagpipes!! there were three different bands, one of them a youth band, and it was just very satisfying to watch and listen to all that energy! yay scotland, forever!!

but the cutest part of the evening was the 4-yr olds doing scottish line dancing. if you ever get to see that, you'll love it. they were even good! all the dancers were good and it was easy to see why none of them were overweight!

all-in-all slim jim and i were glad we went (the husband doesn't like to leave the country) and plan on going again next year. yay, fun! forever!!!