Sunday, February 15, 2009

long weekend

what a beautiful day!! we have sunshine outside and blue skies and the renters next door moved out last night. i have to fly out next sunday to a class in indianapolis and will be flying back on thursday. i'm not worried about the weather but wouldn't it be great if it were sunny and calm the whole time i was there?!

drama at work! apparently once the big boss left (boo, hoo) the regional office decided to make some changes. one of the changes looks like it's going to be the duties in my job. currently i am VERY unhappy about this. i like the things i do and loooooooove having patty-cake for my boss! it would be fine for mr. lynn to be my boss, but having to keep his schedule and make his appointments and arrange for his trips -- sounds secretarial and very not-something-i-want-to-do. we'll have to see what happens, i guess, but at the moment my blood pressure is up. shit.

wasn't yesterday lovely?! the husband composed a poem to me and made me flowers! they're pretty flowers and will last a long long time. see picture below. he's a keeper!!!

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