Wednesday, October 07, 2009

would you swallow this story?

i apparently have a vitamin d deficiency. i'm not sure what that means or how i should correct it, but i had to fill a prescription for mega-doses of the stuff to take once-a-week for the next 8 weeks.

the husband looked at over-the-counter vitamin d and it said a dose was 1,000 or 2,000 i.u. my pill is 50,000.

i'm supposed to get another blood test in 8 weeks.

i don't remember hearing of someone being low on vitamin d. that's like being low on sunshine, isn't it? oh. yeah, we live in the cloudy northwest.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:13 PM

    my sister has same thing. she also has to take calcium so that her body will absorb the vitamin d.
