Saturday, May 22, 2010


i read a recent article about muslim culture which led to several thoughts. first i should say that i know very little about muslims and, with my very full life, don't have much time to devote to or interest in increasing my knowledge of them. i should also say i was brought up to be accepting of differences in cultures and religions.

that said, my first thought in reading the article was if france wants to ban the burqa and that bothers you, maybe you should live somewhere else.

my second thought was disgust about this statement, "when the taliban ruled in afghanistan, women were not allowed to wear high-heeled shoes since 'the sound of women's footsteps could excite men.'" ANY group that contrives rules because something a woman does might make men lose control is a very sick group lacking in responsibility and maturity.

it's like the whole adam and eve thing, where everything you can think of is all eve's fault. just grow up for pete's sake. honestly, there are so many problems with and because of religions.

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