Saturday, May 22, 2010


back in the cold-war era it wasn't unusual for families to stock their basements with provisions or even dig a well-insulated bunker in case the bomb got dropped.

i just saw where a company in california is promising a place in a nuke-proof bunker in the mojave desert -- for a price. you better hurry if you want in, though. there are 132 spaces and half are already gone.

apparently $50,000 will get you a bunk in a 4-person room. whoa. pricey. but the company hasn't started getting the place ready yet. sounds almost like a shyster deal.


  1. Anonymous4:27 AM

    Honey, if you look back on the last 2 thousand years, haven't most of the worlds problems been caused by religion? It seem perfectly reasonable to me that in a society of growing security needs (caused largely as a result of religion) that concealing your identity in public should be illegal. On another note, I have a sign in my cube that says, "Why should I have to live according to your religious beliefs, but you don't have to live according to mine?" - LP

  2. i agree! and i love your sign!
