Saturday, August 28, 2010


"On the Internet, when I send my ones and zeros somewhere, they shouldn't have to wait in line behind the ones and zeros of wealthier people or corporations. That's the way the Net was designed, and it's central to a concept called "net neutrality," which ensures that Internet service providers can't pick favorites."

that's the beginning of
an article i thought i better read. i totally agree that the 'net should be equal to all, regardless of the almighty dollar.

but as i read i could feel my stomach getting sick so i had to stop. big business bastards are going to fuck everything up for the little guys and i just couldn't read about it. (my passionate nature will be the end of me.) is that defeatist? probably. but i've lived long enough to know that repub, er, business interests can get almost anything they want and there's no sense in torturing myself as it's happening. oh, if only i were king.

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