Saturday, August 28, 2010

the long and short of it

i've always known that older women either wear their hair cut short, or, if they have to leave it long, they braid it and wind it around on top of their head.

now i find out that hilary is starting a trend which does away with that old wisdom. she is showing that longer hair on older women is okay. the article says your cut should be based on your personality, no matter what age.

i've thought about going back to longer hair a couple of times in the last few years, but everytime i've tried letting it grow out a bit, it looks terrible. it pulls down my aura and is really depressing. so for me, shorter seems to be better. my hair has always been ultra fine and a little wavy; as i age it's getting finer but thinner, and a little wayward. the waves have given way to kinky straightness; it's just really hard to describe. and harder to subdue into a style.

oh, well. the aging process shows us all kinds of new mysteries, and fashion demands change. so be it.

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