Sunday, August 28, 2011

crazy weather

egads, it's been unbelieveably hot here lately! i mean, last week our temps got up to 77* and 78*!! that's the hottest this year!

i have to stay inside and drink ice water.
i haven't been blogging lately -- kind of have lost interest. probably because i've been playing games.

HP Games by WildTangent has been taking up my time. i played a lot of free games and finally decided (since you can't play them anymore after their one or two free times) that i would 'buy' into the whole thing.

there were several choices -- $7 for 50 coins with 12 mth subscription, etc -- but i decided to do the 50 coins for $10 with two mth subscription. after you've fulfilled the number of months, you just keep on paying them until you say stop.  i didn't really want to be tied into a yr if i got bored with it.

so i've been playing a lot -- jewel quest and its permutations -- and occasionally chuzzle deluxe.  jewel quest is just pretty good -- it forces me to think.  and chuzzle is fun.  the games i like are usually 5 coins at a time, so i can have fun for about a dollar. pretty hard to beat that! plus the two times i've e-mailed customer support, they've been great!! a business which tries to help! Zappos is another business i throw money at because they really seem to be wanting to make it right for the customer. plus it's free shipping, coming and going. pretty hard to beat that, too!!!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

how's the water today?

seasteading. hear of it? when i first read about it this morning, i thought it was a cool idea. then i went to the website and read their initial blurb. now i'm not so sure.

"That's why we work to enable seasteading communities -- floating cities -- which will allow the next generation of pioneers to peacefully test new ideas for government. The most successful can then inspire change in governments around the world."

sea-cities is a concept which sounds interesting and i'd like to read more about how they'd work around nature. but .... each with their own government in an effort to see what works best and apply it to countries around the world? for some reason i don't think that'll work.

i mean, small vs huge, vested interests vs no choices, money vs poverty. i just don't think it will translate. especially because, human nature being what it is, someone will want to be king -- it wouldn't surprise me if they all ended up that way....the head guy and all his little subjects.

but if they just want to build the little cities and have them operate as american states -- go for it. i think that sounds cool!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

i'm gonna make you walk the plank

yo, ho-ho. i didn't know this was going on. but it looks like a lot of fun!

Monday, August 15, 2011


i drove down and visited the grandkids yesterday. THEY ARE SO CUTE!  and smart!! it was a very enjoyable day. i wish i could post pix, but the mama doesn't want any on a blog. ah, well.

nightmares of the day

so. it's hot. you're hot. you decide to go swimming. you jump into a slow-moving river and splash around. if, sometime later, you start feeling sick, go to the doctor immediately although it's probably already too late to save you.

we live on an alien planet with things that are out to get us.

Saturday, August 06, 2011

music man

just now the husband was listening to 'cat's in the cradle' by harry chapin. i thought chapin was so great and was really sad when he was killed in a car accident. his songs really resonated for me, both their messages and their fun, and the singing was excellent. especially that guy who sang soprano on that one song. the husband and i got to see him in concert once, or was it twice. once anyhow, and it was so beyond cool -- omaha, 197x. i wonder what he'd be singing now if he hadn't died.

from short hair to long in 38 seconds

this clip is pretty clever -- and fun to watch!

Tuesday, August 02, 2011

not my humor

am i out of step? do i need therapy? this trailer did NOT make me want to see this movie.