Sunday, August 21, 2011

how's the water today?

seasteading. hear of it? when i first read about it this morning, i thought it was a cool idea. then i went to the website and read their initial blurb. now i'm not so sure.

"That's why we work to enable seasteading communities -- floating cities -- which will allow the next generation of pioneers to peacefully test new ideas for government. The most successful can then inspire change in governments around the world."

sea-cities is a concept which sounds interesting and i'd like to read more about how they'd work around nature. but .... each with their own government in an effort to see what works best and apply it to countries around the world? for some reason i don't think that'll work.

i mean, small vs huge, vested interests vs no choices, money vs poverty. i just don't think it will translate. especially because, human nature being what it is, someone will want to be king -- it wouldn't surprise me if they all ended up that way....the head guy and all his little subjects.

but if they just want to build the little cities and have them operate as american states -- go for it. i think that sounds cool!

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