Sunday, August 28, 2011

i haven't been blogging lately -- kind of have lost interest. probably because i've been playing games.

HP Games by WildTangent has been taking up my time. i played a lot of free games and finally decided (since you can't play them anymore after their one or two free times) that i would 'buy' into the whole thing.

there were several choices -- $7 for 50 coins with 12 mth subscription, etc -- but i decided to do the 50 coins for $10 with two mth subscription. after you've fulfilled the number of months, you just keep on paying them until you say stop.  i didn't really want to be tied into a yr if i got bored with it.

so i've been playing a lot -- jewel quest and its permutations -- and occasionally chuzzle deluxe.  jewel quest is just pretty good -- it forces me to think.  and chuzzle is fun.  the games i like are usually 5 coins at a time, so i can have fun for about a dollar. pretty hard to beat that! plus the two times i've e-mailed customer support, they've been great!! a business which tries to help! Zappos is another business i throw money at because they really seem to be wanting to make it right for the customer. plus it's free shipping, coming and going. pretty hard to beat that, too!!!

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