Monday, September 05, 2011


i spent the day yesterday with MOS and the two grandchildren. it was great, as usual. we drove down to mt rainier and visited the visitor center at sunrise. such pretty pretty country!! it's an active volcano, even though it isn't spewing anything, but certainly looks like it is asleep.

you know how kids will misunderstand something? like, a guy the husband used to work with said he heard his daughter singing one day and the lyrics were, "everytime you go away, take a piece of meat with you". cracked us all up.

MOS told me about some things his 3 1/2 yr-old has said.   rather than 'my heart is beating', she says 'my heart is beeping'. rather than 'sunscreen', she says 'sunscream'. and rather than 'hair salon', she says 'hair so long'. entirely appropriate and innocent. and funny!

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